Structured Wiring and Prewire Solutions
With the ease of access a building in process provides, Casaplex can ensure that if the idea of a cable is needed, it will be provided. Prewiring a structure during construction ensures that the most will be gotten out of a networking room, cabinet, or wire duct.
Reliable Networking
Communication is the highest priority in any business. Ensure that even if your internet goes down your phones still work. Casaplex partners with the leading technologies in telephone systems to ensure expandability, reliability, and overall integrity to ensure communication in any situation.
Discrete Connections
Have a fast, powerful network without a mess of wires everywhere. At Casaplex we pride ourselves in creating powerful solutions that are not only easy to use, but easy on the eyes as well.
Assembled and Delivered
All of our racks are assembled, tested, and delivered straight from the Casaplex lab. This allows racks to be fully tested by our onsite technicians, taking the inefficiencies out of complicated installations.